Lapides clamabunt. Statement on the Church and the Papacy

4 godzin temu

[kopia z oryginalnego portalu Arcybiskupa. md]

Powiadam wam: jeżeli ci będą milczeć, kamienie wołać będą. — Łk 19:40

Sprzeczne informacje na temat stanu zdrowia Jorge Mario Bergoglio rzucają niepokojące światło na sposób, w jaki zarządzana jest komunikacja w Watykanie. Są tacy, którzy wierzą, iż “Papież już nie żyje” i iż fakt ten jest ukrywany przed opinią publiczną.

Jest jasne, iż Watykan i głęboki kościół bergogliański są w panice i zrobią wszystko, aby zebrać konsensus kardynałów wokół nazwiska kogoś, kto będzie kontynuował rewolucję bergogliańską.

Są tacy, którzy mają interes w ukrywaniu własnych zbrodni – wraz z tymi popełnionymi przez Bergoglio – podczas gdy w Stanach Zjednoczonych dochodzi do czołowego starcia Konferencji Episkopatu USA z administracją Trumpa, po tym jak skandal dotyczący funduszy Agencji Rozwoju Międzynarodowego (USAID) ujawnił współudział Kościoła katolickiego w lukratywnym biznesie imigracyjnym.

Konieczne jest zapobieżenie temu, by postępowa hierarchia zapewniła, iż jeden z nich będzie następcą Bergoglio, czyli kolejnym uzurpatorem na Tronie Piotrowym, który będzie spadkobiercą i kontynuatorem poprzedniego.

Zanim wbijemy ostatni gwóźdź do trumny Bergoglio, konieczne i pilne jest zatem rzucenie światła na uzurpację, której się dopuścił, oraz na okupację Kościoła katolickiego przez skorumpowaną i zdradziecką hierarchię, której jedynym celem jest zniszczenie go od środka.

Manewry mafii z Saint Gallen w tandemie z ultrapostępową lewicą; bezkarne zbrodnie Theodore’a McCarricka;

Lapides clamabunt

Dico vobis, quia si hi tacuerint,
lapides clamabunt.

I tell you, if these are silent,
the stones will cry out.

Lk 19:40

The contradictory updates being given about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s medical condition casts a disturbing light on the way Vatican communications are being managed. There are those who believe that “the Pope is already deceased” and that this fact is being kept hidden from the public. It is clear that the Vatican and the Bergoglian deep church are in a panic and will do everything to gather the consensus of the Cardinals together around the name of someone who will continue the Bergoglian revolution. There are those who have every interest in burying their own crimes – along with those of Bergoglio – while in the United States there is a head-on clash of the US Bishops’ Conference against the Trump Administration, after the scandal regarding the funds of the Agency for International Development (USAID) has brought to light the complicity of the Catholic Church in the lucrative business of immigration.

It is necessary to prevent the progressive hierarchy from ensuring that one of their own is Bergoglio’s successor, that is, another usurper on the Throne of Peter who will be the heir and continuator of the previous one. Before hammering the final nail into Bergoglio’s coffin, it is therefore essential and urgent that light be shed on the usurpation he perpetrated and on the occupation of the Catholic Church by a corrupt and treacherous hierarchy, whose sole aim is to destroy Her from within.

The maneuvers of the Saint Gallen Mafia in tandem with the ultra-progressive Left; the unpunished crimes of Theodore McCarrick; McCarrick’s role within the Democrat Administrations; the influence McCarrick has exercised in obtaining episcopal appointments for his “heirs”– who are all homosexual and corrupt – designated to fill key positions in the US and in the Vatican; McCarrick’s work as Bergoglio’s liaison to the Chinese Communist regime in order to obtain the signing of the Secret Agreement with the Holy See; the role of the Jesuits in promoting the globalist agenda; Bergoglio’s scandalous ongoing cover-ups of notorious abusers and perverts; the cover-up of the dossier about the Vatican corruption network, delivered by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to Bergoglio in April 2013 and about which there has still never been any follow-up; Bergoglio’s role in the crime perpetrated against humanity with the “Covid pandemic” and the imposition of vaccines; the cynical exploitation of illegal immigrants in order to destroy the social fabric of the West: all this and more confirms that the Bergoglian church is not only an accomplice in the subversive plan of the World Economic Forum but a leading protagonist. The faithful have the right to know the full truth about all of these events.

After years of lies, dissimulations, and silence, it is necessary to acknowledge Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s fraud and put him on trial, restoring that truth and justice demanded by the victims of his reprisals, his intimidating acts, and his connivance in the crimes of his instigators and his protégés. Investigations are needed into his past life, into the crimes he committed in Argentina (which is why he never returned as “pope” to his native country) and into the murky events that allege Jorge Mario Bergoglio was personally responsible for the sexual abuse of young Jesuits when he was Novice Master in Argentina. It must be clarified whether Tomas Ricardo Arizaga (known as Tomasito), who died on 20 July 2014 at the age of 11, and who was then cremated and buried in 2019 in the Teutonic Cemetery in the Vatican after having had his teeth removed, is really Bergoglio’s son, as has been rumored for too long and as multiple elements lead us to believe.

An international criminal alliance united subversive forces to eliminate Benedict XVI, forcing him to resign and replacing him with an emissary of globalism. Cardinal Godfried Danneels himself admitted it, referring to the Mafia of Saint Gallen; McCarrick reiterated it when speaking at Villanova University on October 11, 2013; the president and founder of Voices of Progress – a pressure group that deals with climate change, migration, and other woke issues – planned it, discussing it with John Podesta (Hillary Clinton campaign chairman), in emails released by Wikileaks (here).

The “Catholic Spring” has made use of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a corrupt and maneuverable character, fraudulently imposed upon the Catholic Church as “pope”. We ask the Authorities of the United States of America and Argentina to provide documents and evidence of these facts. This will prove that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has never been pope of the Catholic Church: all his acts of government and teaching are null and void, and all his appointments are null and void, including those of the Cardinals who will elect his successor.

It is now time to face the truth with courage, so that the liberation of the Catholic Church from the subversives who have occupied Her for too long in order to destroy Her may be a radical and authentic liberation, and so that the accomplices of the fraud – who are still in the Vatican and will survive Bergoglio – may be discovered and put on trial, before their criminal action destroys the evidence of the crimes they have committed.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

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